A Spring Crinkle #truestuffstory


However, we’re due to receive roughly 2 feet of snow starting sometime late Tuesday and lasting until Friday.

I ran the generator yesterday. It started on the first pull. I still don’t trust it, so I’ll go ahead and run it again tomorrow. You can never start those machines enough! I learned the hard way. When I didn’t start it enough.

I love big snow. So, I’ll lean into this storm and hope for huge amounts! I hope we push past two feet! If it’s going to snow, let is snow! If we lose power, again, so be it. We know how to manage.

If this storm is anything they are claiming it’s gearing up to be- I’ll be sure to share photos with all of you.

The last storm was brutal. A friend on here mentioned that they ended up shoveling for a few hours…well, I ended up getting my plow truck stuck, and thought of him, as I ended up shoveling for a few hours. Thankfully only one car drove by to see me, shoveling out a plow truck.

It’s ok though, I laugh, they laugh, we all laugh.

I’ll be sure to sprinkle in a few poems. Possibly an Odd Walking Thought. I never know when those are going to hit. And storm updates. On goes the cycle!

Have fun out there,


And There They Are by M. Taggart

Flash Fiction Published!

Thanks to Terveen, Editor of MasticadoresIndia, I’m thrilled to share my flash fiction, And There They Are.

When you have a moment, please visit the publication and read the story. Thanks everyone!

Chewers by Masticadores

The black and white image of a tables inside a restaurant with a partial view of a wine glass and glass of water
Image Courtesy: M. Taggart

“Now, with that?”

“I’ll go with what my sorry wants.”

“And again with power of persuasion?”

She stroked her glass of wine. Often she felt alone.

“It’s what I see when I walk.”

“What are we going to do though? Really?”

“I’m going to pay and leave. You can stay here.”

The waiter came, heard, and walked away.

Outside the birds knew nothing about this. The
speech died and liberty was machine like.

“It wasn’t your fault.”

“I know. Thank you.”

“Can it not end?”

The sun was there.

“Why should it be here?”

Her wine glass worried.

He left.

She smiled. The trees. The wind.
The waiting was over. The sun knew.
And he walked.


Matt Taggart is a loving husband, father, and author of the award-winning short story, ‘Bodies In The Basement’. Visit to read more of his thoughts and writing.


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Be Kind

“I’m the safest person you can sit next to.”
“Yea? Why?”
“I had Covid a few weeks ago.”
The pub wasn’t too busy. It was nice to sit at the bar with Megan.
“Are you feeling OK now? Were you very sick?”
“I’m fine. I was a little tired. Plus I was vaccinated a few months ago.”
“I’m glad you feel OK.”

-M. Taggart

It’s a complicated world. Be kind.

Non-fiction. 9/1/21

Poem #Pros

Just got hung up on.
The man,
who hung up on me,
is hoping that I hire his
marketing firm.

He didn’t even bother to say hello.
Just accepted the call,
and waited for his opportunity to end it.

If he had said hello, he would have realized
it was the person he’s been waiting to hear from.

I’m from away. But, I live here now.
Funny how locals can be brutal to
what they don’t know without knowing
what they’ve just done.

I could decide not to need his services.
Now that I’ve been hung up on.

But I’m not like that.
I’d rather chip through the hardened mud
and help to show that people from away
are just as good as the good locals.

And I’m not changing my number.

-M. Taggart


And the levity of one example brought on the harm of another while watching stars, listening to ‘mind’, and fingers reading pages and pages and dusty pages turning to new pages smelling of ink while staring at a bar room wall with all sounds bouncing from ear to ear, some listening to this, some not, the bar pushes further, mouths drink and pages turn; lives of another might be yours someday, as she watches from the other side.

-M. Taggart

I Don’t need this secret.

I was sitting at the bar. Directly to my left was a door leading to the
deck. The wind was picking up. John was rambling on with a friend.
I saw the clouds and thought of my father. I walked outside and took
this photo. I liked the wind and the darkening clouds. These clouds
were exactly overhead. I wondered if there was a piece of my father
in them. His celebration of life is this coming Saturday.
I don’t want to go. I will go. But I don’t want to. I’m struggling with
the guilt of not wanting to go. Just like I’m struggling with the guilt
of telling my father he wasn’t there for me when I needed him most.
I guess that’s how it goes. And maybe that’s why I stood outside alone.
I wanted to show someone the photo of the clouds when I walked back in.
What’s the point though. The clouds meant more to me than them.
They always will.

-M. Taggart

photo taken 6/15/21 in Maine.

Factoids from a 5-year-old.

Yesterday I picked Gavin up from school and told him I was going to drive him to a surprise. Gavin loves surprises! I drove him to a toy store and told him I was going to buy him a toy for absolutely no reason other than that I loved him. I gave him a budget and in we went. He picked out Tyro, a blue and stretchy Dino figure.

Just as I was paying for his new toy he decided he had something to say to the friendly cashier.

“Excuse me. Do you see that human right there? That’s my Dad.”

Well, there we have it. My son acknowledged my existence as a human and also as his father. I can rest easy.


P.S.,- As some of you know, I’m a very proud father and husband 🙂

Have a great day and buy someone a toy! lol they may just have something to say.

Academy of Trust

I noticed that my toothbrush wasn’t where I had left it.
In fact, for two days in a row, my toothbrush had been moved.
Then I realized that this has been happening for some time now.

I stopped scrubbing my teeth and looked in the mirror to acknowledge
my reality. My five year old son has been using my toothbrush.

Now- I love my son dearly, but I don’t want I to share a toothbrush.

I rinsed my mouth and put my toothbrush where Gavin had left it.
I slowly opened the drawer and spotted a brand new
Captain America toothbrush. Blue. His favorite color.

I’m not going to lecture Gavin. I’m going to roll with this.
Transition and compromise are two skills I’m continually learning.
It’s a little small, but that’s OK, I like Captain America.

-M. Taggart

Dream State

It was dark and raining.
“There’s something outside.”
“Did you see someone?”
“No. It’s not a person.”
I tried peering through the rain soaked window.
“It’s upset with you,
and you’re going to feel it from the inside.”

-M. Taggart

As I turned the corner my body was forced forward.
My mind blurred in a frenzied pace.
I had learned so much.

And the Rain Came

And he had stayed while the rain came down; he had stayed while she sat alone, only a blanket provided comfort, and he looking out the window at the rain thinking about how he might need to leave or to maybe not be in the same place as her, anymore, and the rain came and nothing mattered about any of it other than the thinking of what to do and the thinking of what to do meant something needed to be done.

-M. Taggart