In plain sight

The best stuff hides in plain sight. Such as how I feel while watching my wife walk downstairs in the morning with her tangled messy hair alive on her head, and with little Gavin holding her hand saying, “There’s Daddy! There’s My Daddy!”

The best stuff stirred within my stomach and into my heart pushing forth a sincere smile pointed directly at the people whom I love. After the smile, the stuff yet again sets to begin its hidden journey while hiding in plain sight.

-M. Taggart



“To thine own self be true.” -Shakespeare.

Timeless humanity and our perception of it. This is what I study. This is what I write. I live with passion. I write with passion. I follow no man.

I invite you to read my writings. Buckle up and enjoy the ride of my expressions via poems, short stories, or my Odd Walking Thoughts. Just remember, I follow no rules when writing and what I write comes from internalized experiences and thoughts tied together with how I perceive humanity to be. And here’s a thought to chew on- be careful of rules placed onto you by others, or you’ll find your writing voice will be among the herd.



Short Stories link below-




I just wrote a short story.
It was complete shit so I destroyed it.
I kept thinking about how we drive
down the highway at 95 MPH
and somehow, our fucking brains are able
to process every damn blade of grass,
every car slower than us, every grumpy face
we look at as we pass, and never do we
take time to think about how we’re able
to understand when to apply the brakes
while observing two lines side by side, which
aren’t that, but the number eleven instead.

-M. Taggart


Our tears heard themselves today. They didn’t ask how. They were there when they landed. Know not what you can see within yourself while yourself can’t see and ask again how do we listen to these tears once more. While once more finds you alone.

-M. Taggart

Odd Walking Thoughts-

You can’t always do what you want. But you can do now what you will. Grab the fucking book. Ignore that screaming argument pulling your metallic rage sideways and sit in your best possible spot to read words you’ve been wanting to know. Then raise your glass of I don’t give a fuck and cheers the sun going down. Because no matter what, you will either see the sun again, or it’ll never care enough to wake you up.

-M. Taggart