Odd Walking Thoughts – Welcome Here.

Sometimes we leave and don’t come back. And when others want to talk with us. It’s like this because. Stamping stamps on while another takes shape. Hello to them and to you. After all, there hadn’t been just one. A young girl walks firmly while watching her footsteps. Each landed nicely placed within the field’s dust. She wanted to know from the spider which angle it liked to build and the spider replied,’From the best.’


A Quote on Writing – Ernest Hemingway

‘It was in that room too that I learned not to think about anything that I was writing from the time I stopped writing until I started again the next day. That way my subconscious would be working on it and at the same time I would be listening to other people and noticing everything.’

-Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast: The Restored Edition.

Ernest Hemingway while in Idaho. Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois, in 1899.
Ernest Hemingway while in Idaho. Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois, in 1899.

I Love My Country

In the heat of many passions it’s possible to forget to remember what’s good. In all times there are wars and divides splitting peoples of every country. That does not make all peoples of each country bad people. And it’s my belief that people ought not hide their love for their country, nor their flag, for fear of the bad. I’m thankful for the ground I walk on and I hope others are as well. No matter where they call home.

You don't need permission to love your country. Photo credit google images.
You don’t need permission to love your country. Photo credit google images.
December 19, 2010. Connecticut River, Sunderland MA. A man decides where to launch into the icy water. It is his birthday and he chooses to celebrate with the river.
December 19, 2010.  Connecticut River, Sunderland MA.  A man decides where to launch. It’s his birthday and he chooses to celebrate with the river.  Notice the skull in the rock.
Icy steps leading in Wilcox park. Westerly, Rhode Island.
Icy steps in Wilcox park. Westerly, Rhode Island.  Always walk on.
Hunting in Northern Maine. The area is large. You best bring proper gear.
Hunting in Northern Maine. The area is large. You best bring proper gear.
Typical New England drive after a new snow fall. Hills of Connecticut.
Typical New England drive after new snow fall. Hills of Connecticut.
A couple takes a moment to enjoy a bottle of red while tucked away near the edge of Jonathan Edwards Winery. North Stonington, CT.
A couple takes a moment to enjoy a bottle of red while tucked away near the edge  of the property at Jonathan Edwards Winery. North Stonington, CT.
The tree awaits a friend to sit at its base and read. Gill, MA. My home town.
The tree awaits a friend to sit at its base and read. Gill, MA. My home town.
Old concrete steps leading into a salt water inlet. Westerly, RI.
Old concrete steps leading into a salt water inlet. Westerly, RI.

There are only so many steps we will take. Find your country.  Enjoy it best you can.

You might also enjoy my self published short story found via the amazon link below.  Cheers.  -M. Taggart

Dear Humanity – Odd Walking Thoughts

Dear Humanity-

It starts one note at a time. Soon, if you pick the truest path, you have a masterpiece. I think the broken humanity we live in has lost its ability to choose truly. We become angry and destroy our own family members with words and sometimes with violence. Then we walk the streets and continue creating more imperfect notes and it spreads through our town and further. In my opinion it’s impossible to not see the divide that’s among us. And yet we blame it on anything other than ourselves without feeling the necessary humility of responsibility through reflection. I don’t feel our leadership can fix it. I don’t feel our government knows even where to begin. I don’t think our churches can fix it. They are at war with one another. They compete for your money and call it belief and are unable to accept differing beliefs without furthering the divide. I do have hope though. To find one true note for myself. I think it’s best to start with me. If I can create my best version then it’s possible to look beyond. To my wife, my son. In my opinion it starts at home. It isn’t about what our leaders might do for us. It never was. They are not in your home nor or in your mind unless you let them be. You are there alone. It’s up to you to choose truly. And maybe then we’ll be on to something.

A Poem – A Child’s Path

I ask – Please –
Walk among the trees-
Walk along paths and streams-
See how the leaves fall-
Each are their own story-

It’s never been the same-
And when you ponder your existence-
Look to the stars
And like words that have been written already-
To thine own self be true.

Don’t- Let’s not be like the others-
Who look at their palms for guidance
It’s never quite what it seems-
from that point of view-
The screen is everything-
When you turn it over-
It is dead.

The stars are unending
The woods – The Wind –
And leaves that travel with it-
Will show you new life-
Much truer than most will accept

Dedicated to Gavin.
