I Lost

I got caught in the rat race


The first time was when I was in college
UMASS, Amherst, Isenberg School of Management

I wanted to drive a BMW

The girls were gorgeous
I had a gorgeous girlfriend

I broke up with my Highschool sweetheart
She broke up with me too

Lying on the carpet at night wondering
and hurting about it all

Walking on the UMASS campus in the winter
was Hell

Strong winds

The Library.

9/11 hit while I waited for a bus

From the dirt, and the filth of being poor,
to the girls who could tell

that i was poor

the moment when a female professor
showed attraction toward me

-hard to talk about

But I do know this.

It’s all connected.

God,. Or not. Belief or, Not.

We are not alone.

I am caught in the rat race again.
I’m the President of a company that doesn’t matter.

And it’s my fault.

-M. Taggart

More to come