4 thoughts on “Goodbye

  1. Hello! I may have a solution to your problem of draft (back) dated entries … read on. You wrote in relation to an entry ‘corn field – poem’: “side note: I apologize. This is the second time I published this poem. A few moments ago I tried and because it was saved as a draft it was back dated and completely lost within the reader. This is the second time I’ve seen this happen. I’m sure it’s my fault, but am unaware of what I’m doing wrong to make that happen.)”

    Okay – there may be an easier way to do this – however I don’t know what that is 🙂 I too have had this problem and the way I do it works for me. Have a go.

    When working on an entry that’s already saved as a draft.

    1: once you’ve ‘published’ the entry go to: https://.wordpress.com/wp-admin/edit.php . I decided to link to the page instead of explaining things from ‘dashboard’ in case dashboards are differently set up for different templates or whatever. I’m not exactly technically sound 🙂

    2. Find ya entry that you just published and place ya cursor over the title. Magically, some options then appear underneath the title of entry you’re wanting to change the date of.

    3. Click on: “Quick Edit”

    4. From there you’ll be able to see how to change the date etc.

    5. When done making changes click “Update” and fingers crossed, back in your reader, it’ll be on top.

    6. If successful, write an entry dedicated to the brilliance that is me.

    7. If unsuccessful write an email to WordPress!



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