Odd Walking Thoughts

We saw what we saw and we don’t doubt. The doubters are left forcibly chasing footsteps, their own, others, and we don’t. There’s no need. Their emptiness is theirs and they’ve no way out, until the tree finds them at the end of a long walk, nearing the spring, where their shoes are removed, from one way or another, and the fingers type the toes a narrative to see. The tree, faces all around, might help.

-M. Taggart

Poetry, a little.

I like the sky. It looks nice. We can be nice. I’m tired, but I can still be nice and when that happens my hands won’t ache and my chest won’t feel so full; full like it’s going to burst unless I die, and maybe I shouldn’t die just yet because there’s so much to do that we have to do until it’s done, and maybe then.

-M. Taggart

Coronavirus in bloom

Truth needs to be.

The Coronavirus is unsettling.

Day to day life is being affected.

I won’t ignore it.

Neither will my friend, Ana, an EU citizen, and author. “Frustrated at myself for feeling so powerless. Frustrated at us as a nation for reacting the way we apparently are.”


Read on. It’s good for the brain.
