A Poem

No distractions, other than my mind
I can see the sun rising over the mountainside
It’s a calming visual
I haven’t had a morning like this in a while.
Our rescue cat won’t leave me alone
I guess her purring is a bit of a distraction
But now that she’s part of this
It’s different- I guess it’s always different
Depending on how you look at it

-M. Taggart

# 15

This is the third month in a row that I’ve posted 15 times.

Each month is beating the previous.

By a lot.

In my book.

So, I’ll keep doing this and we’ll see how high the numbers grow.

Thanks, Tara! I know you said you don’t know how you helped me with this….but you did.

Broke though a little crack in a wall that never existed.


It’s gonna be OK

Just in case you need to hear this,
You are enough.

Maybe there’s no one near to you to say this, so I am.

I know how it feels to climb inside and feel alone while standing in a packed room. And if someone is killing your mindset with a million slices, go find a mirror and tell yourself that you are enough. Because you are. Look in the mirror and repeat it over and over. “I am enough.”

We all have these moments in life where it feels like torture. I’ve been through multiple versions of this. I always knew it would be ok. But, even while knowing that, it didn’t always help. The OK part sometimes doesn’t come for a while.

It’s gonna be OK. I hope you start with the mirror because the easiest person to lie to is yourself. Start there. Build what you need via truth. The mirror can not lie unless you tell it to.



I’m just now sipping my coffee
I’m having it black, with a bit of sugar

I’m viewing a photo, that I took of the sky,
yesterday afternoon.
Weather was coming in, it was starting to rain
The clouds were gathering together

Now I’m looking at the photo
Wondering if it’s good enough

Of course it is
It is what it is and it’s good enough

And this coffee isn’t so bad either

-M. Taggart

Land of the Heart

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

This one says more. I could easily write twenty thousand words concerning how I feel about this photo. Then I could add what I see, smell, and think. It could surpass twenty thousand and crawl into a novel.

I mentioned I’d be on this blog far more often. I am, and plan to continue to do so. Even if it’s to write about absolutely nothing. I love nothing. Loving nothing is just the beginning.

Today is March 1st, 2024. I woke up this morning feeling as though I could run through a brick wall.

I hope today is your day to run through a brick wall.


Photo taken in February of 2024.