Poem Up! #Global Desire

The wonderful Gabriela Marie Milton has selected a very precise time to publish my poem
“Global Desires” on MasticadoresUSA.


Global Desire

It’s dark, with little wind, and we are alone watching
only the flames and listening to the crackling, and
smelling the aroma of the burning pine and oak.
Each flame is unique with movements and degrees
of color created by the moment of energy released.
Each differing angle, while flickering clues, is


You can read the full poem here:

Thanks everyone, and cheers!



Got a bit drunk the night before my surgery.
Paperwork said not to drink.

I thought, if I don’t wake up,
and don’t visit my favorite pub and have
at least one Manhattan, what’s the point
of not having a damn drink.

So we went to the pub.

The next morning I told the anesthesiologist,
“I had a beer last night.”

“Yea? What time was that?”

“Around seven.”

“You’ll be fine.” He smiled.

“And by a beer I mean a few drinks.”

“Eh. You’ll be fine.”

And I was.

I don’t ask permission to live my life.

-M. Taggart

Cheers. To thine own self be true.

My New Scar – Post Opp Thoughts

Arm is healing good. Taking a shower is a bit funny. Megan tapes a trash bag around my arm at the top of my shoulder. I do my best to stay in the same clothes for two days. Not ideal, but it is what it is. My follow up appointment is next week. I hope to see how long my new surgery scar is. I like scars. When my tendon ripped completely from the bone, it felt like a small Charley horse. I realized nearly immediately that I had just torn my bicep and that the tendon was tangling around somewhere. I felt very little pain. Although, I knew that I’d need surgery when I felt my left bicep, and it was up toward my shoulder leaving a gap where it normally was. The next day was Super Bowl Sunday. I shoveled the end of the driveway, drank beer and watched the game. Megan wasn’t impressed. The following morning I went to the doctors hung over, but happy.

Anyway, I still feel very little pain. Even after the nerve block wore off. And to Hell with the oxycodone they prescribed me. Don’t want it. Don’t need it. It was like this for me after my motorcycle accident. Had surgery for that one too. Fun times. Learned a lot. Wouldn’t change at thing.

Here’s to healing. Can’t wait to hit the weights!


Wish me luck!

I’m doing it! I’m hosting a book signing event at a brewery!

February 29th, at Element Brewing Company! Which borders the town I graduated High School from. One of my best friends urged me to host a book signing. I was embarrassed at the thought of it, but I’m doing it!

It’s been great vibes! The owners of the brewery are all for it, and the support from my home town has been incredible. Friends, family, and even people I don’t know are already signed up to attend. I wonder just how many people are going to flood the brewery and have a beer with us! Megan, and even Gavin will be there. My brothers, and parents…oh it’s on!

I wanted to share the fun with all of you, because, you’re invited too! lol I realize many of you are in different countries, but it’s the thought- having some of my digital writing buddies there would be great, even if just in spirit. This is going to be one fun party and I don’t want you to miss out.

Seriously though, if any of you are in the Massachusetts area, and want to connect, you are invited. Contact me for the details.


(Some of you may remember that I was invited to a book signing at a bookstore in New Hampshire. I did that. It was awkward. This one is a completely different animal and I can’t wait!)