#There’s No Excuse For Abuse

The best way to talk to a survivor is to listen. I believe this with my soul.

If you’ve crawled out from the mud of an abuser you are not alone. While you felt alone and may still, you are not. That was what they wanted you to feel to protect their abuse from being discovered. You have a voice. Use it. Internally, or written as a diary to yourself, or on a platform such as what I’m doing now. Speak of your abuse out loud and it becomes real to the world, and to the abuser. Stop protecting them. You no longer need to keep their secrets. Seek others who understand your pain and speak to a therapist who can give you tools you’ll need to make you a healthier you. You deserve all of this. It was never your fault. Research F.O.G. and set boundaries for any Flying Monkeys that may still be in your life, or go no contact. Do whatever YOU need to do for you. No longer for them. Abusers will use control tactics and manipulation to keep you silent. I know this. I was you. And now I’m me. We are not alone. They cannot break us. They tried and failed. You will not fail. While the mud from crawling may linger, you will wash it off. And when their excuses flood your mind from multiple players in the game of manipulation- Give them one response and walk away. There’s No Excuse For Abuse.


-M. Taggart


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17 thoughts on “#There’s No Excuse For Abuse

  1. Matt, this is BRILLIANT. May I Reblog it on my Blog? I did not fealuse that you have gone through this. My mom is/was an abuser. Malignant narcissist. Contact has to be minimal, but sheus 93 now. Then my priest recently abused me emotionally, just because he could, because I was blund and in a wheelchair. I have spoken out because you are right – we must NOT be silent. I will Reblog this if it is ok.


  2. Absolutely right, there is no excuse especially when they are evil and do it on purpose to their own children. I’m a SURVIVOR from Emotional childhood abuse and from DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.
    Here is my latest:
    Here is my latest blog post… (Narcissistic mother)
    I will follow you if you follow me and my blog. Here’s my latest post:
    Happy Thursday 💋
    Just published …
    ….. My SouL cries…
    Follow to read Part one and two

    Follow me I followed you n comment please


  3. Wow! This is so motivational! As a high school student I was assigned to make a blog about a topic that was meaningful to me and I chose abuse. Posts like these are what really have motivated me to go beyond what was assigned and start speaking up more for awareness and about my one experiences. Keep on writing amazing posts like this, we appreciate you.


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